8 Body Signs You Should Pay Attention To

1. Skin turning yellowish-Skin starting to turn yellowish may indicate liver problems, and it’s caused by jaundice. Because of high levels of bilirubin, our bodies cannot eliminate it. That is why the skin and the whites of the eyes have a yellow tone.
2. White dots on the nails-If you have ever had white dots on your nails, that might have been from an injury. However, if it is not the case, it can indicate a zinc, calcium, or protein deficiency.
3. Cracked lips-Cracks or blisters can appear because you might be dehydrated. On the other hand, you might be using the wrong lipstick.
4. Clubbed fingernails-Clubbed fingernails are a typical sign of chronic lung problems, but they also can indicate gastrointestinal conditions. Nails become enlarged and curve downward if not treated in time.

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